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SORA Regun (at home Sora)
Sora appeared in our home in a very difficult time for us and other dogs - we have just lost Salsa.
Sora was to remain in the breeding as a working and breeding female.
The first weeks with us were devoted to showing her a whole new world, living in the city. Initially very stressed by such changes, yet after a few months she boldly faced new challenges.
She loves swimming, playing with its peers, a bit distanced from older dogs. She is extremely delicate when dealing with smaller dogs or puppies. Cordial towards people, quickly gains sympathy.
She grew up for a large bitch, has a beautiful head and harmonious body structure.
Intelligent, fast-learning, completed her first training with a fantastic result. Our bitch has learned [was learning] obedience and nosework.
In 2018 she gave a very large litter (9 puppies), which she looked after very well.
Best of all dogs greets us when we come back home :)
The day after his eighth birthday, Sora was diagnosed with spleen cancer. The next day, during the operation, it turned out that there were already metastases to other organs, giving no chance of recovery.
Saying goodbye to Sora was as quick as she herself was when she tried to catch up with the squirrels...